Have you ever considered giving blood? Did you donate blood ages ago and still haven’t made another appointment? Or are you someone who’s just looking for more information about blood and blood donation?
Well, this may just be the show for you. This week we will be looking at blood and blood donation. We cover basic facts about blood: its roles such as oxygen and nutrition transport, removing wastes and helping our immune system. The basic components of blood: Red Blood Cells (which paired with haemoglobin help carry oxygen to tissues), Plasma (liquid portion) and Platelets (what makes blood clot).
If you are an adult male you have 5-6 litres of blood currently circulating through your body, if you are female you have 4-5. When you donate blood they take approximately 450 mL of this blood which your body will reproduce within 56 days after donation. Not only are you able to donate whole blood, but the individual components (plasma and platelets) can also be taken from blood and donated.
This show features an interview with Chris Baron, the Canadian Blood Services partnership specialist for North Vancouver Island. He discusses:
Who can donate: Just about anybody between the ages of 17-61, as long as you are healthy, well hydrated and 110 pounds
Where can people donate: Vancouver Island’s permanent clinic is in Victoria, however there are always mobile clinics travelling through multiple areas of the island. These clinics can be found through the Canadian Blood Services website: blood.ca or call them at: 1-888-236-6283
We also discuss when people cannot donate: after surgery, dental work, a recent tattoo or travel to certain areas – However, this does not mean you can never donate. After a waiting period of 6-12 months most people are again eligible to donate
If you cannot donate, the Canadian Blood Services are always looking for new community volunteers to help spread the word about the continuing need for more blood donors and donation!
We also discuss the different beliefs related to blood donation: for example, people belonging to the Jehovah’s Witness’ faith choose not to donate blood due to prohibition by the Bible to ingesting blood by any means, whether it’s in the form of food, like blood sausage, or in the form of a blood transfusion. Those belonging to Rastafarianism are also hesitant about receiving blood donations.
If you are at all interested – either in donating, volunteering or just wish to learn more about blood and blood donation, please visit: www.blood.ca or call 1-888-236-6283! Also, feel free to let us know any questions or concern you may have and we will do our best to find the answer. Our goal is to demystify health care issues, separate fact from fiction, and provide you with the information about your health care options.
Thanks Nikki for a great summary of todays show! Tune in at 10 am to catch it live this morning on 101.7 FM in Nanaimo. Or hang in there for a post later today that will include the podcast from todays show!
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