Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Tomorrows Show - A Preview.... Lucky You!

Tis’ the season to second guess our New Year’s resolution? On the show today, we talked about how to set a realistic, healthy, and nutritious resolution. It is always good to have goals, however, sometimes we make too big of a goal. By making small and consistent changes in your daily activities, incorporating exercise, and being conscious of what we are eating, your goals can become reality.

If weight loss is your New Year’s resolution, or as we would like to think, your lifelong goal, then including exercise will defiantly help. Exercising 3-5 times a week and on alternating days is a great goal, but remember, that your body needs to rest. Work one muscle group on Monday and another area on Wednesday. Watch what you drink. Some juices have hidden ingredients, what may seem healthy might not be. Try to incorporate 3 servings of fruits and veggies and eat lean meats such as poultry or fish. By following these tips, as well as, limiting your alcohol intake, you will be on a healthier track in no time.

Carolyn Boas, a strength and fitness trainer and certified coach joined us in a discussion about exercise. Lacy and Carolyn talked about New Year’s resolutions being too big and to make small goals. She recommends exercising 3-4 times a week and make it attainable. Carolyn feels that organic food is great, however, it’s not practical so she recommends buying locally.

As unique as each one of us, our diets are also individualized. We talked about the differences between vegan and vegetarian diets, as well as, diabetic diets and cardiac diets. Depending on your health care needs, you and your health care team can identify which foods to include or avoid.

When trying to eat healthy, it is always good to eat fruits and veggies. Eating everything organic can be expensive. There are a few foods you may want to buy organically anyways as they seem to have more additives for maximum group. They are peaches, apples, sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, cherries, potatoes, pears, lettuce, grapes, strawberries, tomatoes, and spinach.

My most important information I would like you to take from our show is to consult your physician about any concerns you may have about your health. Do not change your medications, eating habits, or exercise regiment without consulting a health care professional to find out what your needs are. Remember, this is your health and everyone is different, what works for your family or friends may not work for you, but with commitment you can reach your goals.

Feel free to let us know any questions or concern you may have and we will do our best to find the answer. Our goal is to demystify health care issues, separate fact from fiction, and provide you with the information about your health care options.

Thanks Lacy for a great little overview of tomorrows show. 

Tune in tomorrow - Thursday from 10-11 on 101.7 FM in Nanaimo!

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